The Second Saturday San Diego Divorce Workshop connects you to the help and resources you need while going through the divorce process. Divorce is a big step in your life and you shouldn’t jump in without answers. Sparing a few hours to attend a class and hear from experts is a great investment in your future.
Second Saturday, 25 years of Empowering People
Second Saturday was founded by financial advisers Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall in 1989 in San Diego and has since become a nationwide resource. The workshops are designed to provide guidance and knowledge to men and women going through a divorce, to help them navigate the bumpy road during the process and be better equipped for the next chapter of their life.
Divorce is not so much about law as it is about emotion, family and money. The San Diego Divorce Workshop program offers advice in those areas from qualified local professionals. In the course of 3 hours, you can learn everything there is to know about divorce. Once armed with answers, the challenges are less overwhelming.
The Second Saturday San Diego Divorce Workshop Team
By investing 3 hours of your time and $45 ($50 if you pay at the door), you can learn about the process and your options, money and the kids.
Presenters include:
- A Family Law Attorney for legal advice regarding the divorce process, custody and to understand the nuances.
- A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst to answer questions about assets, support, budgets etc.
- A Certified Parenting Plan Coordinator to understand how co-parenting will work
- Real Estate experts who provide insights regarding mortgage, listing the house etc.
- A Legal Document Preparer who will shed some light on the court paperwork
The divorce process seems daunting to most. Beyond the decision of ending a marriage, uncertainties loom and the lack of knowledge may be one of the biggest challenges. Attending a Second Saturday San Diego divorce workshop will bring relief along with answers and allow you to receive that extra help and support you need.
Find your way to an easier divorce with Divorce Help.
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